The Graduate School offers certificate programs that are available to Graduate Liberal Studies students. A graduate certificate enables students to undertake a concentration in a specific area of study while maintaining the interdisciplinary breadth of the degree. Each certificate has its own requirements, which may range from three to six courses, and also require language proficiency, an independent study and/or a capstone course. While not a degree, certificate programs offer focus and depth, and are noted on the Duke transcript. They can complement our self-designed GLS course of study, which allows you six general electives.
To complete a certificate program, students need to plan course work early in the program in order to meet certificate requirements. Note that some LS courses may meet the requirements for electives in certificate programs.
If interested in earning a graduate certificate:
- Consult the listing of Graduate School certificate programs available on the Graduate School website. Note that there are also certificate programs based in some of the other schools at Duke, such as the Sanford School's International Development Policy certificate.
- Contact the program to confirm their requirements, discuss the nature of the program, and determine whether this program is appropriate for you.
- Apply for admission to a Graduate School certificate program by submitting a Graduate School Certificate Program Application.
- Contact the GLS office for course advising.