Marialana Weitzel Departs GLS

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May 5, 2017

We are sad to say goodbye to Marialana Weitzel, who has been a part of the Duke GLS team since 2014, serving both our program and the national Association of Graduate Liberal Studies Programs.  Marialana is now the Events and Resources Coordinator for the Sanford School of Public Policy.  She says that her days are jam packed helping Sanford faculty, staff and students, including the larger Duke community, reserve space within Sanford’s two beautiful buildings for their MANY lectures, conferences, meetings and presentations.  She loves the hustle and bustle of the large community, and enjoys working with the undergrads, grads and PhD students. Even though she has been welcomed by the Sanford community with open arms, she holds the GLS community near and dear to her heart and wishes the 2017 graduates all the best. Her office is on the 2nd floor of the Sanford building, room 202, so if you are in the area, pop in and say hello!